Monthly Archives: January 2021

A Sad Day

I’ve tried not to focus too much on the coronavirus epidemic in these blog posts for a variety of fairly obvious reasons, but the UK death toll passing the 100,000 mark is something that I feel the need to comment on. On Wednesday morning every national newspaper ran the story on their front page, most […]

Radio On

When we first went into lockdown (ten months ago!) I wrote a blog post which outlined my thoughts on how to survive working from home during the pandemic. One of the suggestions I made was that listening to the radio was a good way to both replace the noise of office life and to help […]


When I was a student I had a summer job as a park ranger and my main duty was to stop people walking on the lawns. The thinking behind the “keep off the grass” message was really quite simple. If one person walked in the lawn it wouldn’t make much difference, but if everyone did […]

The Song Remains the Same

I think it’s pretty safe to say that we are all happy to see the back of 2020. Unfortunately the feeling that things would be better in 2021 didn’t last any longer than four days. The lockdown announcement on Monday 4 January followed the same pattern that we saw countless times during 2020. It goes […]